AYP Retreat, Seminarhaus Shanti, Germany

June 11th to 18th - 2023

The retreat will be held at the Seminarhaus-Shanti retreat centre in Germany. It is located on the edge of a forest, near Bad-Meinberg, which is about 80 Km from Hanover.

The Yoga

  • Deep Meditation
  • Spinal Breathing Pranayama
  • Samyama
  • Mudras and bandhas
  • Asana
  • Self inquiry

Practices will include Asana, Deep Meditation, Spinal Breathing Pranayama and Samyama. Full instructions on practice will be given. 


During the retreat we will be looking at the topic of advaita (non-duality). This is the stage in yoga where we move beyond identification with the mind and the sense objects, into the reality of existence.

We will look at the approach to advaita through the practices of yoga and at how advaita has been taught historically by different teachers, over the last 3,000 years.

We will look at how advaita teachings are presented in the Upanishads, in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, in the classical Tantrik texts and so on. We will also look at how advaita was taught by various teachers over the years, such as Adi Shankaracharya, Rama Krishna, Ramana Maharshi and some modern day teachers.

During the retreat, people will be able to take these classical non-dual teachings of yoga, and put them into practice if they wish to.


This retreat will be led in English only.


Tristan Dorling

Tristan Dorling

Tristan has practiced yoga for around 47 years and has taught internationally for the last 13 years. He trained in Nepal, Thailand, Sri Lanka, India and in various monasteries in the U.K.

The yoga he teaches is full-scope, including all eight-limbs of yoga.


The food served will be rich and delicious vegan cooking, which is designed to support a yoga and meditation practice. 

There will be two meals served each day (brunch and dinner) with teas available at various times of the day.

Cost and registration

The cost for attending the retreat is £250 (British pounds). This can be paid here by debit or credit card. 

You will also need to pay for your accommodation and food separately at the centre. This can be booked directly with Seminarhaus Shanti. Do this first, to make sure the accommodation you want is available. The accommodation charges are:

Mobile home/ Caravan/ Tent/ Sleeping off-campus: €204.75 (per person)

Dormitory (4 beds): €245.00 (per person)

Double/ Twin room: €309.75 (per person)

Single room: €430.50 (per person)

To book your accommodation, contact Gastgruppen at Seminarhaus Shanti directly. Their email is:

gastgruppen (at) yoga-vidya.de

Let them know that you are wishing to attend the AYP Yoga retreat. Accommodation includes two meals a day (brunch and dinner).

Once your payment to Seminarhaus Shanti is made, and you have paid the retreat fee of £250 through this website, your place on the retreat will be confirmed. The retreat fee can be paid on this page.

Getting there

Travel directions are available from the centre’s website here:

Retreat schedule

Sunday 11th June

14:00-16:00 Arrival
16.30-17:45 Instructions on practice: Asana, pranayama, meditation
18:00 Dinner
19:30 Evening talk: course introduction

Monday 12th June

07:30-09:00 Asana, pranayama, meditation, samyama
09:20-10:10 Pranayama, meditation, samyama
10:30 Brunch
11:00-15:45 Free time/ walking/ personal practice
15:45-17:30 Asana, pranayama, meditation, samyama
17:45 Dinner
19:30 Evening talk/ questions and answer

Tuesday 13th June to Friday 16th June

07:30-09:00 Asana, pranayama, meditation, samyama
09:20-10:20 Pranayama, meditation, samyama
10:30 Brunch
11:00-15:00 Free time/ walking/   personal practice
15:00-16:30 Asana, pranayama, meditation, samyama
16:40-17:30 Pranayama, meditation, samyama
17:45 Dinner
19:30 Evening talk/ questions and answers

Saturday 17th June

07:30-09:00 Asana, pranayama, meditation, samyama
09:20-10:10 Pranayama, meditation, samyama
10:30 Brunch
11:00-15:45 Free time/ walking/ personal practice
15:45-17:30 Asana, pranayama, meditation, samyama
17:45 Dinner
19:30 Evening talk/ questions and answers

Sunday 18th June

07:30-09:30 Asana, pranayama, meditation, samyama
10:30 Brunch
11.15-12.00 Farewells and departure