Advanced Yoga Practices ~ 4-day online retreat
Mysticism in the yoga traditions
16th to 19th June 2022
Time zone - London U.K.
This retreat will be taking place online from Thursday 16th to Sunday 19th June 2022. To take part you will need to have Zoom downloaded onto your phone or computer.
During the retreat we will look at the topic of mysticism in yoga. Mysticism, or “union with the divine” plays a strong part in many yogic teachings, from the writings of the Upanishads 3,000 years ago, to the modern day yoga.
We will especially look at the writings of the Upanishads, the writings of Paramahamsa Yogananda, Sri Anadamayi Ma, Mother Meera and St. Teresa of Avila.
We will also look at how to incorporate various pranayama practices into our sitting practices, to make the sittings more powerful and effective. This will include anuloma viloma, kapalbhati and heart breathing.

Mother Meera – Born 1960

Sri Anandamayi Ma 1896-1982
The core practices on the retreat will include asana, Spinal Breathing, Deep Meditation and Samyama.
The retreat will be led in English. The time zone will be London, U.K. with classes in the afternoons and evenings. The retreat will be suitable for all levels of experience.
To take part, it is recommended to be in a quiet location where you can focus on your spiritual practices over the course of the event.
None of the classes on the retreat will be recorded.

Tristan Dorling
Tristan has been practicing yoga and meditation for around 38 years and teaching internationally for the last 13 years. He trained in Nepal, Thailand, India and Sri Lanka.
He specializes in the teaching of meditation, pranayama and the philosophy of yoga.
“Accustom yourself to make continuously many acts of love, for they enkindle and melt the soul”
St. Theresa of Avila

Paramahamsa Yogananda 1893 – 1952

Sri Hans Raj Maharajji Sacha of Rishikesh. Entered Mahasamadhi 2011.
Retreat schedule
(timings in U.K. London time)
Thursday 16th June 2022
16:00 – 17:40 Asana, Spinal Breathing, Deep Meditation, Samyama
(fully guided class)
19:30-20:30 Evening talk, followed by a Q and A session.
Friday 17th June
16:00 – 17:40 Asana, Spinal Breathing, Deep Meditation, Samyama
(fully guided class)
19:30-20:30 Evening talk, followed by a Q and A session.
Saturday 18th June
16:00 – 17:40 Asana, Spinal Breathing, Deep Meditation, Samyama
19:30-20:30 Evening talk, followed by a Q and A session.
Sunday 19th June
16:00 – 17:40 Asana, Spinal Breathing, Deep Meditation, Samyama
19:30-20:30 General Q and A session.