Advanced Yoga Practices ~ 4-day online retreat

Topic- Advaita/ Non-Duality

18th to 21st May 2023

Time zone - London U.K.

This retreat will be taking place online from Thursday 18th to Sunday 21st May 2023. To take part you will need to have Zoom downloaded onto your phone or computer.

Practices will include asana practice, Spinal Breathing Pranayama, Deep Meditation and Samyama. 

During the retreat we will be looking at the teachings of three famous yoga teachers: Rama Krishna, Ramana Maharshi and Adi Shankaracharya. Rama Krishna was a famous bhakti yoga teacher and was the teacher of Vivekananda. Ramana Maharshi was a famous Advaita teacher and the teacher of Papaji. Adi Shankaracharya was an Advaita teacher who lived during the 8th Century CE and was considered one of greatest yogis of his time. During the retreat we will be focussing on their teachings on non duality. 

Kabir  1398-1518

We will also look at some of the non-dual teachings of Thich Nhat Hanh, and some of the poetry of Rumi, Hafiz and Kabir, three Sufi poets.

The retreat will be led in English. Class times are in London (UK) time. 

To take part, it is recommended to be in a quiet location where you can focus on your spiritual practices over the course of the event.  


Rumi  1207 – 1273


Tristan Dorling

Tristan Dorling

Tristan has been practicing yoga and meditation for around 35 years and teaching internationally for the last 12 years. He trained in Nepal, Thailand, India and Sri Lanka.

He specializes in the teaching of meditation, pranayama and the philosophy of yoga. 


The cost of this 4-day Zoom event is £50. 

Payment can be made by card in any country, through Paypal or by bank transfer. 


Contact Tristan if you would like to book a place on this retreat. 

Payments can be made here

Thich Nhat Hanh 1926 – 2022

Rama Krishna 1836 – 1886

Retreat schedule

(timings in U.K. London time)

Thursday 18th May 2023

16:00 – 17:40 Asana, Spinal Breathing, Deep Meditation, Samyama

19:30-20:30  Evening talk, followed by a Q and A session. 

Friday 19th May

16:00 – 17:40 Asana, Spinal Breathing, Deep Meditation, Samyama

19:30-20:30  Evening talk, followed by a Q and A session.

Saturday 20th May

16:00 – 17:40 Asana, Spinal Breathing, Deep Meditation, Samyama

19:30-20:30  Evening talk, followed by a Q and A session.

Sunday 21st May 

16:00 – 17:40 Asana, Spinal Breathing, Deep Meditation, Samyama

19:30-20:30  General Q and A session.

Ramana Maharshi

Ramana Maharshi 1879 – 1950

Adi Shankaracharya 8th C CE