Weekend Online Advanced Yoga Practices (AYP) Retreat
Emptiness Teachings in Yoga
Saturday 22nd and Sunday 23rd March 2025
Time zone - London U.K.

Shunyata - Emptiness
This retreat will be taking place online from Saturday 22nd to Sunday 23rd March 2025.
During the retreat we will look at the teachings on Emptiness in yoga.
We will focus on:
- The Heart of Recognition Sutra
- The Heart Sutra
- The Pointing the Staff Sutra
- The Ten Ox Herding Pictures with Commentary
- The Hevajra Tantra
We will look at how these teachings can help to lead us towards liberation.
All practice sessions will include asana practice, spinal breathing pranayama, mantra meditation and samyama. Full instructions for all practices will be given.
The retreat will be led in English. Class times are in London (UK) time. The classes on the retreat will not be recorded.
To take part, it is recommended to be in a quiet location, where you can focus on your spiritual practices over the two-days of the event.

“Can the mind be aware of emptiness without naming it, running away from it or judging it, but just be with it?” [Krishnamurti]

Tristan Dorling
Tristan has been practicing yoga and meditation for around 35 years and teaching internationally for the last 12 years. He trained in Nepal, Thailand, India and Sri Lanka.
He specializes in the teaching of meditation, pranayama and the philosophy of yoga.
The cost of this 2-day online Zoom event is £50.
Payment can be made by card in any country, or through Paypal or by bank transfer.
Contact Tristan if you would like to book a place on this retreat.
Card payments for the event can be made here. It is also possible to pay using PayPal, or by direct bank transfer in British Pounds, Euros, US Dollars, Canadian Dollars, or Swiss Francs.

Retreat schedule
(timings in U.K. London time)
Saturday 22nd March 2025
07:00 – 08:45 Asana, Spinal Breathing, Deep Meditation, Samyama
09:00 – 09:45 Spinal Breathing, Deep Meditation, Samyama
10:00 Break for brunch
13:30 – 14:30 Afternoon talk
15:00 – 16:45 Asana, Spinal Breathing, Deep Meditation, Samyama
17:00 Break for Dinner
19:00-20:00 Evening talk
Sunday 23rd March 2025
07:00 – 08:45 Asana, Spinal Breathing, Deep Meditation, Samyama
09:00 – 09:45 Spinal Breathing, Deep Meditation, Samyama
10:00 Break for brunch
13:30 – 14:30 Afternoon talk
15:00 – 16:45 Asana, Spinal Breathing, Deep Meditation, Samyama