Advanced Yoga Practices

Main lessons

by Yogani

Note: For the Original Internet Lessons with additions, see the AYP Easy Lessons Books. For the Expanded and Interactive Internet Lessons, AYP Online Books, Audiobooks and more, see AYP Plus.

Lesson 154 - Samyama - "Let Go and Let God"

New Visitors: It is recommended you read from the beginning of the archive, as previous lessons are prerequisite to this one. The first lesson is, “Why This Discussion?”

From: Yogani
Date: Sat Apr 3, 2004 6:43pm

Q: I don’t think I knew what life was about until I came to this group. Your lessons on samyama have blown me away. I am filling up with light and joy every time I do the sutras, and overflowing with it. I finally know what the words mean: “Let go and let God.” Namaste!

A: Yes, let go and let God is what samyama is about. We just give a subtle angle with a sutra and let go, and our inner silence does the rest. With a range of sutras, we can expand with our inner silence in every direction.

In easy deep meditation we follow the ancient maxim: “Be still, and know I am God.”

Then we do samyama, letting go into our divine stillness, and it becomes clear how we are capable of expressing radiant harmony in this world.

The guru is in you.


Note: For detailed instructions on samyama and siddhis, see the AYP Samyama book, and AYP Plus.

These lessons on yoga are reproduced from