Residential Retreats
Advanced Yoga Practices (AYP): Residential Retreats
Regular residential retreats to give you an immersive training in Advanced Yoga Practices
May 2025
Dartmoor, Devon, U.K.
Residential Yoga Retreat • AYP Yoga
Kundalini Awakening
Working with Pranayama and the Subtle Energetic Process
6th to 11th May 2025
Retreat leader: Tristan Dorling
Status: Scheduled – Fully Booked
Language: English

June 2025
Pembrokeshire, Wales, U.K.
Residential Yoga Retreat • AYP Yoga
Beyond the Mind
Working with Meditation and Samadhi
24th to 30th June 2025
Retreat leader: Tristan Dorling
Status: Scheduled – Open for bookings
Language: English

July 2025
Montgomeryshire, Wales, U.K.
Residential Yoga Retreat • AYP Yoga
Kundalini Awakening
Working with Pranayama and the Subtle Energetic Process
1st to 6th July 2025
Retreat leader: Tristan Dorling
Status: Scheduled – Open for bookings
Language: English
December 2025
Dartmoor, Devon, U.K.
Residential Yoga Retreat • AYP Yoga
Topic: Samyama and Samadhi
Working with Silence, Stillness and Energy
9th to 14th December 2025
Retreat leader: Tristan Dorling
Status: Scheduled – Open for bookings
Language: English

Our residential AYP retreats are comprehensive and immersive. They include the practices of Asana (postures), Mantra Meditation, Spinal Breathing Pranayama and Samyama, as well as other yogic practices. Everyone from complete beginners to experienced students are able to attend these retreats.
Our retreats follow an intensive routine of about 5 hours a day of classes, all of which are optional to allow you to practice at your own pace, with free time for students to practice individually, explore the beautiful grounds and surrounding nature and eat the healthy food provided by our cook.
What to Expect on a Retreat
Retreats give us the opportunity to go deeper into our practice than we can in daily life and to cultivate stillness and silence in a more profound way with the aid of the teachers. Being in a space dedicated to your practice fully immerses you in the experience, minimizing the distractions that would usually pull you out of such a state.
None of the yoga or meditation sessions are compulsory, so it is possible to practice at whatever pace suits you. Practices include asanas, Spinal Breathing Pranayama, Deep Meditation and Samyama, with several sessions a day. There are also Satsang sessions, which are an opportunity to ask questions on yoga and to gain an understanding of yogic philosophy.
All retreats are hosted in beautiful and natural locations with freedom for the students to roam and explore the grounds and surrounding areas. There is a choice between staying in private room or shared rooms.
All food on retreat is vegetarian and is intended to be a healthy, nutritional diet for all. If you have any special requirements (such as vegan, gluten-free, etc.) let us know two weeks in advance and we will be able to cater for you.
Reviews From Past Retreats
“Inner silence is something that we start to feel at some point along the way. In reality, it’s always there, it’s just that we’re usually too busy noticing other things, like thoughts or sense objects. But as the mind begins to calm down through spiritual practices, we begin to realize that even when things are present in the mind, such as thoughts, emotions, or sensations, they still exist inside and are surrounded by peacefullness and silence. In fact, the stillness and the silence of the mind are as vast as the ocean, and the mental objects and the objects of the senses simply come and go in this silence. Gradually stillness and silence come more to the foreground of our experience and objects of the senses and mental objects appear more in the background. Inner silence becomes our foundation and our natural way of operating in the world.”
~ Tristan Dorling