Four-day Online Advanced Yoga Practices (AYP) Retreat

The Cultivation of Ecstasy

Pranayama - from Basic to Advanced

Tuesday 27th to Friday 30th June 2023

Time zone - London U.K.

This retreat will be taking place online from Tuesday 27th to Friday 30th June 2023.

During the retreat we will look at the practice of Pranayama in the Advanced Yoga Practices system.

We will especially look at:

  • Spinal Breathing Pranayama
  • Alternate Nostril Breathing
  • Kapalabhati
  • Heart Breathing
  • Dynamic Jalandhara Bandha
  • Yoni Mudra Kumbhaka
  • Spinal Bhastrika
We will look at how we can incorporate these practices into our daily practice, and at the different ways in which these various forms of pranayama purify the subtle nervous system, resulting in ecstasy. 

Afternoon practices will include Asana, spinal breathing pranayama, mantra meditation and samyama.

The retreat will be led in English. Class times are in London (UK) time. 

To take part, it is recommended to be in a quiet location, where you can focus on your spiritual practices over the course of the event.

“Yes, pranayama will become easy. And enjoyable is an understatement. Ecstatic is a better description for what pranayama becomes. It may take some time to get it together though. Take your time building up to it. Give it a fair chance in your regular practice, and you will not regret it.” [Yogani]


Tristan Dorling

Tristan Dorling

Tristan has been practicing yoga and meditation for around 35 years and teaching internationally for the last 12 years. He trained in Nepal, Thailand, India and Sri Lanka.

He specializes in the teaching of meditation, pranayama and the philosophy of yoga. 


The cost of this 4-day Zoom event is £50. 

Payment can be made by card in any country, through Paypal or by bank transfer. 


Contact Tristan if you would like to book a place on this retreat. 

Card payments for the event can be made here

Retreat schedule

(timings in U.K. London time)

Tuesday 27th June 2023

16:00 – 17:40 Asana, Spinal Breathing, Deep Meditation, Samyama

19:30-20:30  Evening talk, followed by a Q and A session.

Wednesday 28th June

16:00 – 17:40 Asana, Spinal Breathing, Deep Meditation, Samyama

19:30-20:30  Evening talk, followed by a Q and A session.

Thursday 29th June

16:00 – 17:40 Asana, Spinal Breathing, Deep Meditation, Samyama

19:30-20:30  Evening talk, followed by a Q and A session.

Friday 30th June

16:00 – 17:40 Asana, Spinal Breathing, Deep Meditation, Samyama

19:30-20:30 General Q and A session.

Incense burning