Advanced Yoga Practices International

Next Level Yoga

Welcome to Advanced Yoga Practices International

Mantra Meditation  |  Pranayama  |  Samyama  |  Asana  |  Jnana Yoga  |  Karma Yoga  |  Mudras  |  Bhandas  |  Bhakti Yoga  |  Tantra

“When the five senses and the mind are still, and reason itself rests in silence, then begins the Path Supreme. This calm steadiness of the senses is called yoga. Then one should become watchful, because yoga comes and goes.” [Katha Upanishad]

About The School

Advanced Yoga Practices (AYP) is a full-scope system of yoga. Integrating hatha yoga practices with raja yoga, kundalini yoga and Tantra, AYP covers all of the eight limbs of yoga. The system includes practices that can be taken on by people who are new to yoga. Practices are then gradually added, until the practitioner has built up an advanced level yoga practice…

Lessons on building up a daily yoga practice at home, by Yogani.

Various media for learning about the AYP system and building up a daily practice at home. 

AYP Online Video Courses

A series of short podcasts on yoga by Tristan Dorling

Retreats are a great way to deepen your practice and learn more about the teachings and practices. 

200-hour Yoga Teacher Training Course including meditation, pranayama and asana. Yoga Alliance registered.

Deep Meditation

5-Week Online Video Course

with Tristan Dorling

Now Available

Language: English 

This short online course provides a guide to the practice of Deep Meditation using the AYAM mantra. It includes full instructions, suitable for beginners as well as discussing some of the intermediate and advanced stages of the spiritual path.

The Main Techniques of the AYP System

  • Deep Meditation
  • Spinal Breathing Pranayama
  • Mudras and Bandhas
  • Asana
  • Samyama
  • Self-inquiry

New Book Release!

Kundalini Awakening – Questions and Answers

A Guidebook for Spiritual Practitioners

by Tristan Dorling

This new book is now available in paperback, hardback and e-book formats. 

~ Inner Silence

“Inner silence is something that we start to feel at some point along the way. In reality, it’s always there, it’s just that we’re usually too busy noticing other things, like thoughts or sense objects. But as the mind begins to calm down through spiritual practices, we begin to realize that even when things are present in the mind, such as thoughts, emotions, or sensations, they still exist inside and are surrounded by peacefulness and silence. In fact, the stillness and the silence of the mind are as vast as the ocean, and the mental objects and the objects of the senses simply come and go in this silence. Gradually stillness and silence come more to the foreground of our experience and objects of the senses and mental objects appear more in the background. Inner silence becomes our foundation and our natural way of operating in the world. In yoga, we speak of samadhi, and to experience it is a bliss that deepens into the experience of unconditional love.”


What is Kundalini?

A short podcast on YouTube by Tristan Dorling

“An effective method of meditation leads us to an experience of profound stillness, an inner silence that defies description”

~ Yogani

AYP Public Forum

Moving to a new modern platform

Later this year we will be moving the AYP Public Forum to a new modern platform which will include notifications, access via apps, a modern layout and so on.

The current AYP Public Forum can be found here:


“AYP have changed my life. I don't think another yoga teaching would have. This Yoga system focuses on meditation, not only mainly on asanas. Thus it is full-scope and covers the eight limbs of Yoga. It teaches us how to become autonomous in our practice to transmit that in return to our students. This yoga system has been wonderfully designed, nothing has been left over. The teachers have been passionate, kind, open-minded, funny and very knowledgeable. The atmosphere within the group was like a loving family. This AYP TTC has been one of the most beautiful experiences in my life. I definitely recommend it, thank you so much!”
Amy Glandville
“The whole retreat was beautiful. The practises were easy to follow and had a really powerful effect. By the end of the weekend I felt like I'd done some really deep energetic work and feel inspired to continue a regular meditation practise. Tristan and Amandine were really laid back, knowledgeable and kind. The food cooked by Sally was amazing - perfect nourishment! And the location was just wonderful, so many lovely walks, places to swim in the river, and to hear the brook from my bedroom at night was very relaxing. Thank you!!”
Bev Pinnell
“This was my first AYP yoga retreat. I really enjoyed it, instruction from both instructors was good and clear, vegetarian and vegan food was amazing by the cooking fairy! Workshop was good and helped me understand more about AYP yoga. Will definitely go back."
“It were special days, time for practice, for beautiful experiences, and a good brisk walk. Time to reflect, time for questions and answers, time for silence and good laughs. Lovely to be there in good company of likewise souls.”
“Passed with distinction the yoga teacher training course. The level of individual attention given to us by enlightened teachers is beyond words. We are all grateful and full of joy for such teachers. Even people who are already yoga teachers and did this training say it is like no other. I can highly recommend the Advanced Yoga Practices Teacher Training. It is so much more than a teacher training course, it was also a retreat and a means to connect with colleagues from around the world. And above all to learn from great teachers who know ...and make dear life long friends and begin changing ourselves fundamentally.”
Sujata Mathur
“What a great retreat… , it was intensive but very beautiful for the soul. The practitioners were from all walks of life, reminding me that seekers are all around us, if we only open our hearts to ask or smile. The food was exceptional, the place stunning and peaceful . It will remain with me forever and I took many teachings away with me. There is a great fellowship in practicing together with a worthy teacher. I would encourage anybody to attend at whatever point you are at in your path.”
“Just wanted to thank you for such a wonderful experience last weekend. We loved every moment. As total newbies we had a lot to learn and embraced each moment. It has left us with amazing memories and a different approach to life.”
“I just wanted to thank you for yet another lovely retreat weekend.  It really helps to keep me on track and motivated in my practice.  I feel blessed to have found a true teacher, and the opportunity to take time out to deepen my practice with a great group of people.  Your wonderful work inspires and encourages those around you…”
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